AGC Meeting Tuesday 11th September 2018

Dear All,

Our next meeting on Tuesday 11th September at 11:00 am will take place at Viveros Florena, Competa.  As most of you know, the garden centre has only just re-opened after their summer break, so please take them as you find them!!!

I am delighted that Lorraine will host our meeting, there will be time to enjoy some refreshments upon arrival, then Lorraine will give a short talk on “What we should be doing in our Spanish gardens after the Summer heat”  There will then be a brief question/answer session to deal with any of your garden queries.  If you have a specific problem, please bring along photographs or samples of the leaves/flowers etc.

In order that we can advise Lorraine of numbers please advise Gill on gillmjordan @ gmail dot com (remove the spaces and replace the dot) as soon as possible.

Look forward to seeing you there


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